Thursday, September 13, 2012

Freedom of speech at what cost?

Okay, I usually rant about traffic-related stuff because that's usually the most annoying thing to me, but I'm going to take a break today to rant about something else.

Yesterday, 09/12/12, the headlines were all about an angry mob who had attacked a US embassy in Cairo because of a viral video some idiot posted on YouTube degrading the Islamic religion. 4 Americans were killed in the attack. The riots continued and have spread into Yemen, to yet another US embassy.

Everyone is pointing fingers at the extremists, which don't get me wrong are totally to blame and are acting irrationally, etc ,etc...

But... why isn't anyone chastising the idiot who posted the video in the first place that pissed all these people off?

They are religious extremists. They have already proven that they are violent, that they are not afraid to hurt people in the name of their religion and God, etc. Why would you then go and make a video antagonizing these people into action? Freedom of speech at what cost? The lives of hard-working Americans? And for what? Fame? Recognition? Online get rich quick scheme? Really? Is there no end to the risks we are willing to take at someone elses' expense?

We ought to pack up the person who made the video, and ship him/her into Cairo with a sign on their head that they are the one who made the video and see how well that goes over. Let's see if you are as willing to talk shit about another's religion when it is you who has to pay the price. Maybe then you will think twice about your precious freedom of speech.

Motorcycle Tailgaters

This is a huge pet-peeve because not only is it terribly annoying, but it's dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Don't you hate it when you are driving down the street and you look in your rear view and the car behind you is so far up your ass that you could almost reach back and smack his face because he's so close? We've all been there. You tap your break to get them to back off... or you slow WAY down hoping that he'll either change lanes, or catch a clue and back off a little bit. It's annoying and God forbid you have to slam on your breaks because a bunny runs into the road or something, but there is no way in hell that guy isn't going to go smashing into your backside should anything happen.

Well imagine now you are on a motorcycle and this same guy is riding your tail. More than annoying right? Because if you have to make any immediate speed adjustments, that guy is no longer slamming into the back of your car. He's slamming into the back of your skull (helmet or not, which if you are a safe motorcyclist, you'd be wearing a helmet).

The other day I saw a scenario that I swear, made me wish I had a bazooka launcher on the front of my car. So 3 vehicles ahead of me is a truck, 2 vehicles ahead is a motorcycle, and then between us is an asshole (in a car). We're on a 3-lane highway and we're in the left lane so naturally we're all a little but antsy with the truck being in the left lane slowing things down. The asshole is right on top of the motorcyclist. To the point where I'm actually pissed off and cussing him as we're going down the street. The motorcyclist, backs off from the truck to give himself a little space realizing he's crunched between a truck and an asshole... The asshole doesn't let off at all. So the motorcyclist moves to the far left of the lane, hoping to get some space. What does asshole do? Asshole starts closing in the space between himself and the truck, basically pinching the motorcyclist out of his place in the lane. WTF??? Then suddenly traffic slows and I swear I was about to watch Mr. motorcyclist get his body scraped off the pavement. It was horrifying. I wanted to get in the middle lane zoom ahead of the asshole and cut him off and then back him off so that the motorcyclist could have some space, but the middle lane of traffic wasn't moving any faster.

Finally we were able to get to a spot where the motorcyclist could change lanes and he got into the middle lane. Guess what asshole does? He changes lanes with him and once again is right on his ass. I swear to God... if I could have chucked something out of my window at him, I would have. Eventually the motorcyclist was able to weave his way out from behind the terrorist, but I'm sure he was extremely uncomfortable for a good chunk of time. Man, I hope Karma gets that asshole.