Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gossip Girl

And no... I'm not talking about the television show. I'm talking about those girls whose lives are so drab that they feel the need to dig their claws in others lives to make theirs more exciting. They may be sweet and even fun to be around, but it's the aftermath that gets you. I went to a party at my ex's house this weekend. Apparently my ex and someone I am acquainted with got to talking about one thing or another, including whether or not we were going to get back together. I'm pretty sure the product of that conversation was that it wasn't really anyone's business but ours and that we were still friends and that was it.

The day after the party, a mutual friend called my ex and said I heard you guys were working on your relationship. After asking who it was that told her that, we were able to decipher who the gossip girl was. And apparently our mutual friend is not the only person this rumor is making it to because a couple days later my ex spoke to someone else who said the same thing.

Seriously people. I'm sorry that your lives are pathetic and boring. I'm sorry if you don't have any exciting news of your own to be spreading around, but do you really need to go spreading rumors about other people? Especially when you don't even know what is going on and the rumors you are spreading aren't even true? This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I can't stand being the topic of another person's conversation. I do my best to be a low maintenance person and lay low. I don't talk about others, I don't get into drama, and I don't go looking for any trouble. All I ask is to be left alone and left to my own business. I wish people would learn to just mind their own business!

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