Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gerdt Furniture - No Wonder They Are Going Out Of Business!

I went to Gerdt furniture this weekend. They were having a "Going Out of Business" sale. I originally thought just that store was closing but I have since learned that the business itself is going under, but that is another story...

I purchase one of the last showroom mattresses they had left. It was a queen-size mattress and box spring. The sticker price was $1200 but it was marked down to $575 for the sale. Additionally, due to the going out of business sale, the sales person took the price down to $440 plus tax. That seemed like a decent deal. They wanted to charge an extra $100 for delivery, but we figured it would be cheaper to hire our construction guys to pick them up.

On Monday my mom went with the guys to pick up the mattress and after about 40 minutes of confusion the employees at Gerdt told them that the somehow got the mattresses mixed up and gave the set that I paid for to someone else. That in and of itself seems pretty bad. Then they try to give them a different set by telling them it's a better mattress than what I had paid for (which turns out to be total crap). I do not even so much as get a phone call through this whole mess.

I come home and my mom informs me of what happened. I told her, why did you accept the other mattress? She should have called me, I would have just said please have them just refund my money. But she said they told her it was a better mattress than what I had bought. I reminded her that the only mattresses that were better were the tempurpedic mattresses they had in the showroom. The only other mattresses they had were these cheap $200 ones stacked against the wall. Anyway, we looked up the mattress that they gave us and they had a sticker price of $690 which means they probably were the $200 ones stacked against the wall.

I call that evening and left a voicemail. I then called the next day and talked to Liz who tells me she is going to look into it and will call me back in 15 minutes. Over an hour later I call back to make sure they haven't forgotten about me. She said they are still working on it and will call me back. Another hour later I finally get a phone call and Liz tells me they will refund my money, but we have to bring the mattress back. I told her that I already had to pay extra to hire guys to pick up the mattress, I didn't want to have to pay them again to take the mattress back because it wasn't even my fault that they gave the mattress I paid for away. She said they didn't have a way to pick it up because they didn't have trucks. Which of course is a lie because otherwise how are they selling delivery?

I asked to speak to the manager. She puts "David" on the phone. David proceeds to tell me the same thing. I explained that this was their error and he said that because my mom signed off on it, it's not their issue. I told him that they didn't have my mom's money, they had MY money, and that if a decision like that was to be made, it should be made by me. I never got so much as a phone call. He said again, it wasn't their issue, if I wanted to return the mattress they would refund the money and that if I didn't like it, I could "Sue them". How ridiculous! How do you sue a company that is going out of business? There is no entity to sue!

I'm currently disputing the charges with my credit card company, but at the end of the day I'm pretty much screwed. I'm having to have the workers bring the mattress back down to the southside to try to recover my $535. Meanwhile, I hope my credit card company has my back and help me out. It sucks that I can't sue them because I'm just going to have to eat the pick-up and return expense which is close to $200.

I hate bad business and customer service. How do you give something someone already paid for away to the wrong person in the first place? The mattress had a tag with my name and invoice number on it. It's not like I put money down for them to hold something, I paid outright for it!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hit My Car Door - Didn't Bother to Check for Damage

I haven't ranted in a while, but something happened today that frustrated me so here goes..

I took my kid to his soccer game today, and I'm watching from my car because it was raining a little bit and I had a good view of the field. A guy pulls up in an SUV in the parking spot next to me. Suddenly I feel my car shake and turn to see that his daughter has whacked the side of my car with her car door. Since it hit hard enough to shake the car, I figured there was probably some amount of damage. I'm expecting the father to get out of the car and come around to check to see if there is damage. No, he just sits there. He has his window rolled down so I can hear him talking to his daughter about it. I get out of my car and walk around to check for damage thinking to myself, maybe he didn't realize someone was in the car and if he sees me get out to check for damage, he'll come over to check with me. Nothing. I see where she had hit the car, there was a bit of paint and I tried to rub it out to see if it was just paint or if there was actually a dent. Looking at it from an angle, you could definitely see where it was actually a dent. I got in my car and closed the door, again thinking maybe he would realize that I was checking it out and come around to see if there was any damage... nothing.

I hear him tell his daughter "Just get out on the other side" because I'm guessing she needed to get out, but was scared to get out on my side because she had already hit my car. I was trying to decide how to handle the situation, because had the father come around to check if there was damage, I probably would have just said, "These things happen" and let it go, but I was frustrated that he wasn't even going to check. I decided to get out to talk to him about it, if for no other reason than to make him take accountability for his daughter's actions.

I walk around to the driver's side of his car where he is sitting with the window open and said "Excuse me, your daughter just hit the side of my car with the door." To which he immediately took an attitude with me. "I didn't know." He said, which of course was a lie because I had overheard him talking to her about it.

"Well it seemed like you were aware because I heard you tell her to get out on the other side of the car, and I'm just surprised that you didn't come to check to see if there was damage."

"I don't appreciate your accusation" he says with an attitude. "I said I didn't know." and he gets out of the car to come look at it with me. I point out the dent to him and said, "Honestly, it wouldn't have been a big deal had you come over to check or even apologized, but it isn't helping the situation that you are taking such a bad attitude toward me." to which he responds "well maybe if you weren't such a bitch..."

I was shocked. "Did you seriously just call me a bitch?" I asked him. "I'm sorry but you are the one whose daughter hit my car, you are the one who didn't bother to check if there was damage, and you were the one who instantly had an attitude when I came to talk to you about it. Again, had you been nice and apologized, it probably wouldn't have been an issue, but now it definitely is."

"Just get a pen and take my information down and send me the bill." He said while grumbling under his breath. So with that I retrieved a pen and a piece of paper and gave it to him to get his information. He supposedly gave me his email and his wife's phone number, but I took a picture of his license plate in case he gave me faulty information.

I'm less upset that the guy's daughter hit my car, because I too have a kid and realize these things happen. The thing that upset me the most was, if I didn't happen to be sitting in my car when it happened, he's the sort of guy who would have just pretended nothing happened and I would have come back to a dent in my car with no explanation. The days of honesty and someone leaving a note on your car apologizing for hitting you are over. The days of the man kindly getting out of his car and apologizing for his daughter and me being able to kindly say, "No big deal" are over.

Instead the guy decided to try to act like nothing happened, then took attitude, then had the indecency to call me a bitch  as if the circumstance wasn't bad enough. Okay sir, since you are obviously an asshole, I will get my car fixed and send you the bill. You could have saved yourself the trouble had you decided to be a decent human being, but since that is not the case, it's only fair that what goes around comes around.