Friday, August 20, 2010

Traffic Annoyances --- Rubberneckers

Okay today's blog is dedicated to you nosy weirdos out there who somehow feel the need to slow WAAAAAYYY down any time you pass anything along the road to see what is going on. It could be an ambulance, a fire truck, a guy getting pulled over for speeding... You just can't resist slowing down to see what is going on.

You are an idiot! It's people like you who cause ridiculous backups on the interstate or single lane road when people are trying to get to work in the morning. It's people like you who CAUSE accidents because you aren't looking at the road, but instead trying to see if the woman in the car accident lost her arm, and then bash into the car in front of you.

That last statement actually just happened to my co-worker the other day in her brand new Venza. She was sitting at a traffic light (red) and there was an accident ON THE OTHER SIDE OF A DIVIDED STREET. Some idiot was so pre-occupied looking at the accident ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET that they failed to see there was a traffic light and several stopped cars directly in front of them and ran into my co-worker's brand new car and put a hole in her bumper.

When she called in to report the accident the dispatch did not send anyone out right away because they thought she was reporting the other accident that had already sent out emergency vehicles for. So because this idiot was busy watching THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET instead of where they should have been, my co-worker sat for over an hour waiting for dispatch to realize that in fact, this was an additional accident at the same intersection.

I've been behind rubberneckers who slow down to watch an accident that is on the highway below and overpass that we were on. REALLY? It's not like whatever is going on down there is going to have any impact what-so-ever on us... unless of course some moron slows down to try to see what is going on below.

Okay, so that's it for today. Rubberneckers (you know who you are), quit being so gosh darned nosy and keep your eyes on the road. If you want to know what is going on in the world around you, here's a novel idea... read the newspaper. Then you can find out all the blood and guts that went on that day and you might even get to see pictures! Since you might be too ignorant to read.

1 comment:

  1. "Traffic. Why we drive the way we do" a book authored by Tom Vanderbilt. Check it out. =)~~~


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