Monday, August 23, 2010

What Makes Someone a Bad Friend

Okay, so I have this friend who is pretty much terrible at being a friend. He never returns phone calls, text messages... says he'll come out to something I've invited him to, and then doesn't show up. And it's not just once in a while, this has become such a regular behavior that I basically don't expect any different. I have on more than one occasion just decided to let this friendship go and stop pursuing it, but after a couple of weeks of no communication on my part, he will get in touch with me. When we do talk, the conversation is fine, and on the even more rare occasion that we hang out, we always have a good time. I'm just getting to the point now where the annoyance of feeling like I'm "chasing" the friendship is starting to out-weight the benefit of the friendship itself.

The thing is, he doesn't just do this to me. At one point when we were hanging out he met my neighbors and both he and my neighbor ride motorcycles so they had a common ground. Every once in a while my neighbor will text him to see if he's out riding and wants to meet up, and apparently he never returns his text either so I guess he's just terrible at making contact in general.

Anyone have a friend like this? What do you do, just let it go or just accept that it is what it is?

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