Monday, September 26, 2011

SPRINT does not deliver features and services I am paying for

This is an email I sent to SPRINT in a final resolution to figure out how to use the picture mail/video mail features that are supposedly included in my Everything Messaging plan, but that I have been charged time in time again overage charges that I then have to call and dispute.
This is probably my 30th attempt to understand and figure out this problem, so I'm just going to be upfront and state if a CS can't help me please just accelerate to exec team. I'm a 10-yr+ customer and I'm tired of fighting this battle.

I am trying to find out why my account receives overage charges for sending picture mail and video mail as these services are supposed to be a part of Everything Messaging. I've been told various stories from various CS to the point where I just blocked data because I was tired of disputing overage charges for services that are supposed to be included in my plan.

I'm no longer content to block data and features that I am paying to have. And I'm not going to call to dispute overage charges to use features I'm entitled to. I need a CS representative that can figure out a REAL solution to this problem so that we can reap the full benefits of the plan I am paying for. If there is no one who can truly assist with this problem (not just put a band-aid on it) then I will have to accelerate the issue on my end which may include BBB complaints, FTC complaints etc. I don't want to go this route.
I'm so tired of fighting with SPRINT. In fact, I'm tired in general with having to fight companies for services and features I'm already paying for. Why does every company out there try to rip off their customer, and why is it so easy for them to do so?

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